Subscribe to Purrfectly Pagan Magazine!

Your first issue will arrive in your inbox with your Welcome email!
Then you'll receive additional issues
when they are delivered quarterly on the 10th of the month.
(January - April - July - October)
What our magazine delivers in each issue:
- Informative, entertaining articles
- The Witches' Corner
- Pagan Business Spotlight
- Pagan Author Spotlight
- Advice on how to walk the Pagan Path in a world that isn't always welcoming
- Seasonal celebrations
- Pages and pages of awesomeness!
But here is what else your subscription does:
- Save the Bees - for each subscription, we plant a bee-friendly assortment of seeds to help our little buzzy buddies.
- Support Pagan Writers - we compensate our writers for their articles (with free advertising or payment)!
- Support Pagan Businesses - our mission is to serve and support the Pagan community, and Pagan businesses are a huge part of that support!
- Support Pagan Authors - we help spread the word about authors and their books.
Just enter your name and email, then click "Submit"!
(We hate spam as much as you do. Your information will never be sold, rented, or shared.)
Sign up form works best in Google Chrome - other browsers may cause issues with signup.
Sign up form works best in Google Chrome - other browsers may cause issues with signup.